
Challenge Groups

This is one of those phrases that we throw around all the time and never seem to explain to people.

My Current Challenge Groups:

April 21 Day Fix - Ongoing

May 21 Day Fix Mega Group - We start on May 4! This is a MEGA group because Ashley Sornsin of Fargo, North Dakota, and me (way down here in Alabama) are joining forces to bring you a Challenge Group that will blow you away. There will be PRIZES! Sign up by April 17!

What is a Challenge Group?

One of the biggest problems with starting any workout or clean eating program is accountability. Let's face it: It's hard to build the habit. Once it's built, you get into the swing of things, and it becomes your normal lifestyle. It's getting to that point that derails even the best of us!

Challenge Groups are designed to help get us over that hump. We are in this TOGETHER. We use the beauty of social media, Facebook mostly, to connect with each other, no matter where we are or what we are doing.

What the Group does for you:
- We support and encourage each other before, during, and after.
- There are daily posts from your Coach (ME!) with tips, recipes, motivation, stories, and more. All designed to give you the mental fuel you need to meet this Challenge.
- It provides the perfect forum if you have questions about the eating plan, recipes, the workouts, or just life and motivation in general.

What YOU do in return:
- Show up! Each Challenge Group will begin on a specific day, although it's okay if something weird in your schedule means you need to start a little early or a little late. As long as the bulk of your time is during the Challenge, we want your participation! Some people share more than others. That's okay, but we want you to be part of the group.
- Stay focused! It's only 21 days. And we are going to help you keep your focus on the goal. Do the workouts and follow the eating plan. Life happens, and all of us fall off the wagon now and then. All I ask is that you get back on!
- Be positive! No Negative Nancys. Positive thinking can make or break this for everyone. Believe in yourself, and believe in everyone else. Of course, sharing an issue or a problem when you're truly in search of a solution is always encouraged. You never know when someone else if having the same problem.
- Be YOU! We all have something special to bring to the Group. You are in the Group for a reason! Share your insights, recipes, funny stories, dreams, struggles, goals, and your heart!

How to Join:

You have several options...
- Contact me through this website. 
- Find me on Facebook
- Message me through Instagram
- Tweet to me on Twitter
- Smoke signals, drumbeat messages, throwing food, yelling really loudly...

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