
About Me

Hi, I'm Kristen.

I provide health solutions through fitness and nutrition for busy people who struggle with their body image and confidence. 

I'm not an expert. I don't have a degree in nutrition. I'm not a personal trainer. But I've been where you are. I've lived it. The self-doubt, the fight with your own inner voice, the feeling of spiraling out of control, the need to hide how uncomfortable you are in your own skin. It's not really living when you limit yourself. I found a way out, but I'm not leaving anyone behind. 

So, I'm a Beachbody fitness coach. And I don't cost a thing. Yep, I'm free. I want to share this journey with you. 

When I'm not leading challenge groups or coaching...

I'm a defense litigation attorney in Birmingham, Alabama. I'm a law enforcement wife and a German Shepherd mom. 

My husband and I love to travel, whether near or far. We are total history nerds. As in so nerdy that we go to battle reenactments. In Belgium. 

After years of a sedentary lifestyle, I've fallen in love with physical activity. I'm a (very slow) long distance runner and a member of the Birmingham Track Club. I'm also a Brazilian jiu jitsu enthusiast and train at Gracie Barra in Pelham. 

7 Things That Make Me ME

1. My bloodstream is half coffee. I'm a coffee snob. Keep your nasty bitter Starbucks tar. I want smooth roasted beans thankyouverymuch. Black or blended with coconut oil. I'm currently enamored with the flavored blends at Fresh Market. 

2. I'm obsessed with birds. I love things that have birds on them. As I sit here typing, there's a decorative bird cage on the desk, a tin bird cutout in the window, two bird paintings in this room, a bird candle, and three other bird knick-knacks in here. I have a problem. 

3. Cooking is like art to me. My recipes usually don't have a precise measurement. In fact, when I do measure and follow a recipe exactly, it usually goes wonky. But if I follow my instinct, and do what tastes and smells good along the way, things usually work out. Experimentation is the spice of life. You can always order pizza. 

4. My husband does all of our laundry. ALL of it. He's amazing in many other ways as well, but this fact alone might suffice to keep me married to him for the next 70 years. 

5. I have a background in international relations and ethnic conflict. I wrote my master's thesis, at Central European University in Budapest, on the political organization strategies of the northern Iraqi Kurds after traveling to Iraq and meeting with the Kurdish Regional Government. Although I have used this part of my education approximately ZERO times thus far, I do not regret it whatsoever. If you ever need a mediator with a specialty in ethnic/racial tension and an understanding of complex political structuring options, who ya gonna call...

6. I love notebooks. At any point in time, I have 3 or 4 notebooks in reach to grab and make a list (I love lists) or write down an idea. There's nothing that holds more potential that a fresh notebook. With each one I buy, I fantasize about what I might create within its pages. And then it gets filled with a bunch of grocery lists and meal planning ideas. But you never know. Maybe the next one will hold my NY Times bestseller. 

7. I make the best banana pudding you've ever eaten. From scratch. No fake boxed pudding here. I may have more schooling than you can shake a stick at and have seen parts of the world that few Alabamians have, but I'm proud to be a Southern belle and try to showcase the best of this gracious but strong heritage. *Crosses her pajama-clad ankles.* 

Can we be friends? 

You know all about me now. Connect with me so I can get to know you!