
Sunday, April 26, 2015

Top 10 Podcasts for Beachbody Coaches

As I've begun my coaching journey, I've been soaking up every bit of training and advice I can get my hands on. I have this desire to learn it ALL immediately. Which is impossible, so I need to chill out. But that's my standard operating procedure...

Anyway, if you're like me and want to fit in every bit of learning you possible can, podcasts are a GREAT learning tool while you're working out, driving, grocery shopping, cleaning the house, cooking... If you've seen me lately outside of my office job, it's about a 75% chance that I've had earbuds in and my phone blasting a podcast.

Since being a Beachbody Coach is all about sharing the journey, I thought I'd share my Top 10 favorite podcasts for personal development and business-building.
Note: This is MY Top 10. There's a LOT out there. Depending on your level of business knowledge coming into this and the particular direction and goals for your business, you may hate some of these and LOVE some things I have completely left off the list. PLEASE leave your comments at the bottom of this post and let me know if I'm missing out on a wonderful podcast.

Kristen's Top 10 Podcasts for Beachbody Coaches

10. Team Beachbody Coach Podcast 

If you didn't know, Beachbody puts all of the National Coaches Calls on a podcast feed. It's a great way to catch up if you missed this week's call. But it's also got calls on there stretching back YEARS and can be a really cool resource for inspiration and practical tips. If you're listening to a call that's older than a month or so, don't suffer through the outdated announcments at the beginning of the call. Fast forward until you get to the main speaker. 

9. The 5AM Miracle with Jeff Sanders  AND  8. Achieve Your Goals with Hal Elrod

Although they are separate podcasts, I group them together since they kind of serve the same function. Hal Elrod (also known as Yo Pal Hal) has this thing called the Miracle Morning. It's a personal development daily routine that he came up with, although the concept of a morning devotional or 'quiet time' isn't necessarily new. It's pretty cool nonetheless, and it's something that I'm really interested in implementing. If I can get my lazy butt out of bed... Anyway, he's got a website where you can opt-in for free audio, video, and 2 free chapters of the book. CLICK HERE for that. And no, he's not paying me. I just think it's cool. 

Based on that concept, these two podcasts provide personal development (more so than business) advice and techniques. Personal development is really important for growth as a coach, so don't neglect it. 

7. Smart Passive Income with Pat Flynn

Check out Episodes 133, 140, and 157. Those are my current faves, although there are a lot of other useful episodes in here depending on what you need.

6. Social Media Marketing with Michael Stelzner

If you can ignore the constant plugging of his social media conference, it's got some good content in there. It covers a wide range of platforms, from Facebook and Youtube to Blogging and writing a book. 

5. The School of Greatness with Lewis Howes

Lewis Howes is a former pro athlete with a cool podcast on leadership, business, and personal growth. If you're looking for content about leadership, this is a good one to browse through. I'm partial to the episodes on 1/21/15 and 2/25/15. 

4. This Is Your Life with Michael Hyatt

The theme song is cheesy...and catchy. I find myself singing it. I particularly like the episodes on 12/4/13, 7/30/14, and 10/29/14. This one has a good bit about leadership and general personal development as well. It's really well produced unlike some of the others that have sound quality issues. 

3. The Chalene Show

Yes, Chalene Johnson, the celebrity Beachbody trainer. Her fitness training stuff is actually more of her side gig. She is ALL about marketing, social media, and personal development. The Chalene Show is her personal development/self-help podcast. This one isn't just for business owners, although it has a few episodes that are targeted to that. A lot of the podcasts are about fitness, nutrition, confidence, etc. It's a GOOD one. It convinced me to start her free personal organization and growth challenge, The 30 Day Push. I'm only on Day 3, so I can't really give you a review of that yet, but if I love it as much as I love Chalene's podcasts, it's gonna be great. 

2. Build Your Tribe

Another Chalene Johnson creation. She had a gap in her podcasting but is back at this one. She started a social media marketing academy and had been focusing on that. She's now using this podcast to answer common questions from her academy students. They tend to be common questions that everyone wants to know, so it's dang useful. This is a MUST LISTEN for Beachbody coaches who are marketing on social media...which is all of us. 

1. Online Marketing Made Easy with Amy Porterfield

Amy Porterfield is a Facebook marketing expert, but she does a very good job of bringing on guest speakers to talk about other social media platforms. Almost every single episode of this podcast is incredibly useful for Beachbody coaches. I'm very glad I found this podcast near the beginning of my business. I've made, and am still making, a bunch of mistakes, but this podcast helped to avoid some big ones and gave me a good idea about where to start. 

Honorable Mentions: 

#AskGaryVee - This is Gary Vaynerchuk's own question and answer show. It's a little disorganized, and you never know what that day's topic actually is. The title's don't really describe it. But it's a good listen, and he is a social media marketing god...

The Side Hustle Show - Some additional good content for businesses in general.

Coffee Break Blogging - I was tempted to put this on the list as I listen to it a LOT, but it's really focused on blogging. Not every Beachbody coach does the blog thing. Some of you just use social media platforms, and it works for you. But if you're a blogger, or think you want to be, put this one on your list. 


  1. This is a great list for any entrepreneur who sells things to better another persons life! Thanks for putting this together!

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  4. I love the way you write and share your niche! Very interesting and different! Keep it coming!

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