
Sunday, June 28, 2015

I'm BACK! And I need to detox...

Europe was amazing! I'm going to have a huge wrap up post about it coming up where I detail our trip and show a bunch of pictures, but I'm trying to catch up on work emails first (stinkin' priorities). 

In the meantime, I need to detox from all the croissants, chocolate, and cream I consumed. I need a reset for my healthy food taste buds. I was planning on doing the 3 Day Refresh program from Beachbody but got lazy and forgot to order it for my return. I'm still wanting to do it, but I'm going to run a back-to-school Refresh group in August. So stay tuned for that. 

I decided to try an old school (I.e. Pre-Refresh) Shakeology cleanse. I've got some extra Shakeo from being gone and have the servings to spare for it. After looking at the various plans that coaches in the past had made for it, I tweaked it for me and came up with this... 

I added some healthy fats and a little more fiber than some of the other plans. I know the Refresh program is the best cleanse/detox, but I'm excited to try this one for now. 

Has anyone else done something like this before? What were your results?

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