
Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Beachbody Coach Summit 2015 - The Best Part of Beachbody Coaching

Like any business, there are frustrating low parts to being Beachbody coach. Being told 'No' for the 15th time that week, feeling like no one is interested in this amazing opportunity you're trying to share, talking when you feel like no one is really listening. Yes, there are low points. 

But then there are the high points that make up for all of it. Having a friend tell you they are wearing their pre-pregnancy pants again. Seeing a family member understand healthy eating and knowing it's going to lengthen the years that you have with them. And going to Beachbody Coach Summit. 

Imagine meeting countless new friends who are fired up about helping people find fitness, fighting obesity and eating disorders, and making an impact on the health of our entire society. 

Imagine watching the CEO pace the stage with intensity, obviously passionate about what his company is doing, and practically shouting that this is NOT about making money. That it's about helping people. 

Imagine working out with 25,000 people on a street in downtown Nashville that was shut down for 8 blocks JUST FOR YOUR COMPANY. 

Imagine being given every tip, tool, cheatsheet, planner, script, etc. possible by top earning coaches who want YOU to succeed just like they did. 

Imagine working out with your favorite celebrity trainers LIVE and getting to know that they are even more awesome in person. 

Imagine watching people shred their credit card bills, consumer credit bills, and even their mortgages because they paid them off and took control of their financial future using Beachbody income. 

Imagine YOU being there next year. If this crazy busy lawyer can live that dream, then anyone can. 

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