
Tuesday, August 25, 2015

BIG NEWS: What I've Been Working On...

I've been a little distracted and haven't posted lately. Why? Because I've been working!!!

There's some BIG changes coming.

1. This website is moving to a new domain! is becoming...

I've been working on getting ALL of my posts moved over and am slowing changing all of the links inside my posts as well as the Pinterest links which send so many of you here. It's not completely finished yet, but it's live and functioning. 

When I've got all of the links done, you will get automatically redirected from this site to the new one. For now, BOTH are active. I'll only be posting new articles and updates on my new site, so make the move now! 

2. I'm branching out of my comfort zone and into the faith arena!

God and I had this weird conversation where I asked Him what my purpose in life was. 

While I didn't get a BIG answer, I did get a clear message that I need to start writing devotions and blending my faith into my fitness, teaching people about true transformation through Him. 

Wooooaaah.... That is way outside of my comfort zone. I immediately told God that was a bad idea. I'm not qualified. I don't have time. My hair hurts. And God, sounding kind of sassy in my head, retorted: "Well, YOU ASKED."

Can't argue with that. So, I've been doing a lot of reading the Bible and a lot of writing! 

September 8 is the big kickoff for my Faith and Fitness 21 Day Challenge. I run my challenge groups on Facebook, so jump over there to take part. It's open to EVERYONE. 

Friday, August 14, 2015

My 3-Day Refresh Results and Final Review

Straight to the point of the matter...

It works. I was definitely feeling a pooch coming on. I hold weight in my stomach. I always have. And weight tends to come back to the last place it was comfortable, kind of like an old barfly. 

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

My 3-Day Refresh Review: Day 3

I MADE IT! Look!!! The box is empty!

My third day went much better than the first two. I actually have a ton of energy right now. But let's start from the beginning...

Wait! If you haven't read the first two days, make sure to go to my Day 1 Review and Day 2 Review first!

6:45am - Wakeup, Water, and Workout

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

My 3-Day Refresh Review: Day 2

I know the day isn't over yet, but I'm proud that I've gotten this far. I don't see how people do extreme restriction diets. No wonder so many fall off the wagon and feel like failures. Knowing that this has an end, and having everything set out so exactly for me is what's making this a success thus far.

Hold up! If you missed Day 1, read my Day 1 Review of the 3 Day Refresh before going further! 

7:15am - Wake-up Water 

I slept late. And haven't worked out. But I don't feel bad about it, and here's why. First, I don't get rest days very often. Most of the time, I'm doing something active, if not a complete planned workout, every single day. The idea of the Refresh is to allow your body to heal. I wanted to sleep and didn't feel the energy to get in a workout. That is what my body needs. Listening to your body is SO important. 

8:30am - Breakfast

Monday, August 10, 2015

My 3-Day Refresh Review : Day 1

 Day 1 Review of the 3-Day Refresh

The 3 Day Refresh is a cleanse program created by Beachbody to eliminate bloat, clean out your digestive system, and cleanse your body of toxins and junk. Some people use it to jumpstart a healthy habit with a bang. Others use it to drop a couple pounds before a big event.

I am using it for the former reason. This summer has been fun, with amazing vacations, fantastic food, and memories with good friends. But I can feel a couple extra pounds hanging on my midsection where I tend to gain weight. I'm also a smaller person now, so a couple pounds shows pretty quickly. While I'm at a point where I can eat what I want within reason...well, the 'reason' part of that kind of flew out the window during the past couple months! 

So let's REFRESH!

5:45am - Wakeup Water

Sunday, August 9, 2015

The Glory of God is Man Fully Alive

“I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” - John 10:10

St. Irenaeus was an early Christian (think 125 AD!) who had direct contact with the contemporaries of the Apostles. He was highly educated and eventually became the Bishop of Lyons (modern-day France) where he wrote prolifically. In his “Adversus Haereses” or “Against Heresies,” he set forth many of the principles that the Christian faith is based upon today. One of his most profound quotes from this work is, 

“The glory of God is man fully alive.” 

While everyday life now is obviously different than the first century of Christianity, St. Irenaeus speaks to those of us who are denying our own purpose, ignoring our own health, and focusing solely on the needs of others.

God wants us to LIVE. He gave us this beautiful gift of human life, resplendent in its mysteries and magic that we see so readily as children. He delights in our delight with His creation. A golden sunrise, a frost-etched leaf, a baby’s smooth cheek - He gives us wonders to discover and enjoy. 

And that same Creator has given us these incredibly intricate and wondrous bodies, delicate and resilient at the same time. Just as He wants us to enjoy His beautiful creations in nature, He means for us to use, enjoy, and take care of our personal creation - our own bodies. Although we are made perfect and in the image of God, the material world in which we live can affect our health and physical appearance, placing barriers between us and the life God is giving us. 

To be fully alive is to use your body, God's creation, to its fullest potential. Each breach, each movement is a prayer of thanks for the vessel we are given. 

What is holding you back from being fully alive? 

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Quick and Healthy Crockpot Italian Turkey Sausage and Peppers - Periscope Video!

Another Periscope for you! There's going to be a lot of these! I love this platform. Just remember that I'm answering questions and comments that can't be seen when you save these. So hop on Periscope and catch them live!

Recipe Ingredients:

- 5-6 Italian Turkey Sausages
- 3-4 bell/sweet peppers, sliced
- onion, sliced (optional)
- 2 medium chopped tomatoes (or a can of diced tomatoes)
- 2-3 cups of pureed tomatoes or pre-made marinara sauce (just look for one with no added sugar)
- salt and pepper
- garlic or garlic powder
- Italian herbs

Throw it all in and stew for 3-4 hours on high or 6-7 hours on low. Serve over whole wheat pasta, spaghetti squash, or crusty bread. Or just eat on it's own! It's delicious!

Check out my other recipes!

Periscope Fitness Tip of the Day: Chest Fly Variations

If you haven't discovered Periscope, go download the app!!! It's SO COOL. It's a live broadcasting app where the broadcaster can see your written comments live and interact with all of the people watching their scope. The potential uses for it are limitless.

I've started a Fitness Tip of the Day Periscope providing fitness tips and home exercises. For those who don't want to download Periscope (it can eat your data, so only use it on wi-fi), I'll be posting them on my blog as well. The scopes are made to disappear after 24 hours, but you can use a service like to save them for people to watch. So, here ya go!!!

Note: Saving your broadcast to post elsewhere doesn't save the comments, so when I'm staring at the screen and answering random questions, that's because someone has commented or asked a question. Jump on Periscope for the full experience!

Thursday, July 30, 2015

12 Tips for Buying Healthy Food on a Budget (AND FREE 21 DAY FIX SHOPPING LIST AND MENUS)

Yes. A couple avocados do cost more than a super-size bag of cheesy poofs. Healthy food can be more expensive than processed food. But it doesn't have to be. Before I show you the math, let me ask:

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Green Tea Matcha and Honey Shakeology Mug Cake

Yep, it's green. And kinda weird. But you may have fallen in love with matcha just like I have.

Matcha is whole green tea leaves ground to a fine powder. They use it at Starbucks for their green tea lattes. It doesn't have sugar in it naturally though. Starbucks adds all that. 

Matcha has a number of health benefits. The amino acid L-theanine helps you focus without jitters. There is natural caffeine in it, but the kind that will give you a longer lasting and more measured energy. There are tons of antioxidants in it and basically all the stuff in green tea x100 because you're eating the whole leaf. 

Here's my recipe for my matcha mug cake...

Friday, July 24, 2015

My Fitness Journey with the 21 Day Fix and Beachbody

My Fitness Journey

It's easy to look at someone and think they have it all together. Think they have it figured out. You compare yourself to them and feel like your own goals are simply unattainable. But what we see is often the 'highlight' reel of someone else's life. It's them at their best. How many selfies do you take and delete before uber-editing and posting the perfect one? See??? I wasn't always fit. This life is NEW to me. And I'm still stumbling. I want you to know where I came from. Know that it's an everyday struggle against emotional eating and confidence issues. Know that if I can do it, so can you. 

Open-Face Egg and Spinach Sandwich

Quick and easy breakfast, lunch, or dinner. I think I've mentioned before that I'm kind of obsessed with eggs. The egg people should sponsor me. Just saying.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

What Equipment Do You Need for the 21 Day Fix?

This is part of the 21 Day Fix Basics series. If you're just getting started with the 21 Day Fix or are curious as to what you would need if you did it, here's your answer...

What Equipment Do You Need for the 21 Day Fix?

The best part (at least for me) about the Beachbody programs is that they can be done from your own living room, basement, extra bedroom, etc. Case in point, me in my living room...

So let's start with the obvious...

How do I watch it? 

Beachbody Coach Summit 2015 - The Best Part of Beachbody Coaching

Like any business, there are frustrating low parts to being Beachbody coach. Being told 'No' for the 15th time that week, feeling like no one is interested in this amazing opportunity you're trying to share, talking when you feel like no one is really listening. Yes, there are low points. 

But then there are the high points that make up for all of it. Having a friend tell you they are wearing their pre-pregnancy pants again. Seeing a family member understand healthy eating and knowing it's going to lengthen the years that you have with them. And going to Beachbody Coach Summit. 

Thursday, July 16, 2015

21 Day Fix and Extreme Full and Half Marathon Training Plans

You asked, and you shall receive. In response to my post on my own training plan for my full marathon on November 8 (read it here), I got several requests for plans involving half marathons or the 21 Day Fix Extreme program.

So....VOILA! Here is ALL FOUR, along with tips that I have provided for the adapting the eating plan to your training...

Eating Plan Tips...

Half Marathon Eating Plan Tips:

* Eat an extra yellow container (a quality one like quinoa or sweet potato) the night before your long runs over 5 miles. Eat 2 extra high quality yellows for two days before the big race. ‘Carbing up’ shouldn’t be taken to excess. It can hinder more than help if you’ve got too much in your stomach.

* Don’t bother to count the race fuel you take in (race gels, etc.) during your long runs. As long as you aren’t taking them excessively, you will be burning off whatever you take in. If this is your first half, you may get super excited about all this, but don’t get too eager about the race gels. You probably don’t need one until about 1 hour in. And then every 30-45 minutes past that. Make sure to test the gel/fuel you will eat for your race BEFORE your actual race. Some of it causes stomach cramps for some people. You do not want to discover that you’re one of them on race day. Porta-potties + stomach cramps = personal hell.

* Bump up one calorie level in your Fix eating plan, just for Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, after week 7. Bump up earlier if you are getting ravenously hungry or feeling drained. You shouldn’t need the extra calories Monday through Thursday.

* If you need electrolytes, try electrolyte pills, tablets, NUUN tablets, or pink Himalayan sea salt as potential alternatives to sugary sports drinks. All-natural coconut water (count it as a yellow) also works well. 

Full Marathon Eating Plan Tips: 

* Eat an extra yellow container (a quality one like quinoa or sweet potato) the night before your long runs over 6 miles. Eat 2 extra high quality yellows for three days before the big race. ‘Carbing up’ shouldn’t be taken to excess. It can hinder more than help if you’ve got too much in your stomach.

* Don’t bother to count the race fuel you take in (race gels, etc.) during your long runs. As long as you aren’t taking them excessively, you will be burning off whatever you take in. If this is your first long race, you may get super excited about all this, but don’t get too eager about the race gels. You probably don’t need one until about 1 hour in. And then every 30-45 minutes past that. Make sure to test the gel/fuel you will eat for your race BEFORE your actual race. Some of it causes stomach cramps for some people. You do not want to discover that you’re one of them on race day. Porta-potties + stomach cramps = personal hell.

* Bump up one calorie level in your Fix eating plan after week 6. Bump up earlier if you are getting ravenously hungry or feeling drained.

* If you need electrolytes, try electrolyte pills, tablets, NUUN tablets, or pink Himalayan sea salt as potential alternatives to sugary sports drinks. All-natural coconut water (count it as a yellow) also works well.  


If you're ready to run this with me, I'm training for a late fall race on November 8 in Pensacola, Florida. You don't have to be running the same race or even on the exact same date, but if it's close enough in time frame, then you need to join us! Connect with me on Facebook and let's get together!

Sunday, July 12, 2015

21 Day Fix Marathon Hybrid Training Schedule

It's Ashlee's fault.

I've run a full marathon before. I finished it. It rained, nay...GUSHED on me the entire time. I'm glad I did it, but I really wasn't hot to do another one. I knew I probably needed to since the my only one was completed in such miserable conditions, but I was reluctant. Half marathons are definitely my long distance of choice. Long enough to be a challenge that you need to train for. Short enough that I don't get bored and/or think I'm going to die on the course. 

But there are those people who could ask you to bury a body, and you'd simply grab a shovel. So, my bestie Ashlee and I are going to be running a full marathon on November 8 in Pensacola. She's done the half marathon version of that race before and reported it as having great course support. So we're in. 

But I don't want to stop lifting . . .

I've had such awesome results and a great experience doing my morning weight-lifting workouts for the 21 Day Fix. I don't want to stop. I also don't really know if I have time to run more than 3 days a week. That's part of the reason I started the whole 30-minute home workout journey.

So I started searching for a 3 day a week marathon training program. Runner's World had an article about training just 3 days a week that I had seen before. (Check it out here if you want.) I liked the idea as it incorporated cross-training and had you running less. This past spring, I kind of did that by accident while running several half marathon races. And it worked well. I didn't have to be out pounding the pavement like I used to, but I felt even stronger and didn't suffer in my performance whatsoever. (Not that I'm super fast. At all.) I read up on the basic concepts and started drafting what you see below...

To address some things up front:

Friday, July 10, 2015

CIZE On My Vacation to Belgium and France

As I've written about recently, my husband and I went on a dream trip to Europe, starting in Belgium and ending up in Paris. We went to Brussels, Bruges, Ghent, saw the 200th anniversary battlefield reenactments at Waterloo, took the train to France, walked ALL over Paris, and even saw the Palace at Versailles. It was fantastic! Exhausting, but everything we had hoped for.

Before leaving, I had gotten into the preview workout for Beachbody's newest program, CIZE by ShaunT. It comes out on July 20! But there's a preview workout on Beachbody On Demand. It's called "You Got This," and features Bruno Mars' song "Treasure." I am NOT a professional dancer. I had some ballet lessons growing up, but that was a long time ago. This stuff is FUN, though, and it's a great workout.

I danced my way across Europe...

Have you tried CIZE yet? What did you think?

Monday, July 6, 2015

Motivation Mayday and Down Weeks

Let's be honest. Even those of us who get real super excited about things have down times. And THAT IS OKAY. 

Who stays at their peak all the time? No one. And it would probably be quite annoying after a while too, because it's not real. 

Lows and dips are normal, to be expected, and good for us. It should be a time to get refocused. If you've lost motivation and momentum, why? What changed? Or what needs to change? 

I've spent the past week doing a lot of sleeping, sneezing, snorting, hacking, and generally being miserable thanks to a nasty cold given to me by my husband. I lead reminded of s couple things during this time: 

1. If you feel like you might be able to workout, even just Pilates or a walk, do it. The adrenaline will make you feel better. 

2. If you can't imagine even getting off the couch because you're so sick, then don't! You're body needs sleep. Listen to your body. 

3. Off weeks are necessary to regroup. They aren't lost time. It's very useful and can launch you into your next 

But don't let the sick downtime stretch into lethargy and complacency. Make plans. Watch inspirational YouTube videos. List out your goals. Read some personal development. And when you feel well again, you'll be ready to hit the ground running. 

Sunday, June 28, 2015

I'm BACK! And I need to detox...

Europe was amazing! I'm going to have a huge wrap up post about it coming up where I detail our trip and show a bunch of pictures, but I'm trying to catch up on work emails first (stinkin' priorities). 

In the meantime, I need to detox from all the croissants, chocolate, and cream I consumed. I need a reset for my healthy food taste buds. I was planning on doing the 3 Day Refresh program from Beachbody but got lazy and forgot to order it for my return. I'm still wanting to do it, but I'm going to run a back-to-school Refresh group in August. So stay tuned for that. 

I decided to try an old school (I.e. Pre-Refresh) Shakeology cleanse. I've got some extra Shakeo from being gone and have the servings to spare for it. After looking at the various plans that coaches in the past had made for it, I tweaked it for me and came up with this... 

I added some healthy fats and a little more fiber than some of the other plans. I know the Refresh program is the best cleanse/detox, but I'm excited to try this one for now. 

Has anyone else done something like this before? What were your results?

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Travel Blogging in Belgium and Paris

I'm going to Europe! Josh and I get on our plane and finally have our grand adventure we have been planning for YEARS. I'm still kind of in disbelief. I got the suitcases down from the attic last night, and it's starting to seem real. 

I know this blog is usually focused on healthy recipes, fitness, and personal growth, but it's also a little about my life! Part of personal growth is making time for the things and people you love. So I want to temporarily turn this into a bit of a travel blog. 

Planning The Trip

I'm a planner. I love planning, organizing, making schedules, making lists, brainstorming, etc. It's the best. Preparation can be really fun since it is all part of the excitement. Kind of like Christmas season leading up to the actual holiday. Here's how the planning has gone so far...

Tour Group or Solo?

We aren't doing any sort of tour. It's all arranged by us and planned by us. This kind of travel isn't for everyone. Some need a set itinerary with arrangements made for them. It's easier, more relaxing. However, you have less freedom than planning it yourself. And you may be shoved into a bus with a bunch of strangers for your entire trip. (Could be your next best friends, could be the most annoying people you'll ever meet.) pros and cons to both. I LOVE planning my own travel and doing things off the cuff. So no group tour for us. 

If you're doing it on your own, start well ahead and buy a multi-part folder envelope. 

This is how you stay organized. Put all of your tickets, maps, arrangement, bookings, etc. in this one folder. Arrange it in rough chronological order, or in any other way where you can readily find stuff when you need it. 


The most important part of the planning process, right ladies? I'm a list maker. I have a written list but have also been using Wunderlist, a free app, for my lists lately. 

This list stretches on... It is likely to be way too much clothing. I'm planning on laying it out on the bed, and counting my outfits. I can probably take a pair of pants and a couple of the shirts out of the mix. My mother's sage advice to "just take everything" only works if you're driving. Weight and bag limits on flights unfortunately make decision necessary. Think basics in coordinating colors. I'm a black and white personal myself. 

UPDATE: I ended up taking out a couple pairs of pants and adding in a few dresses. Dresses are easy for me. No thinking about matching! And you look put together when it's really a lazier way to get dressed. It also had to do witting the following...

Anticipate the Climate

As I check the weather on the Weather Channel's 10 day forecast (always do this), I'm realizing that it's going to be warmer than I originally thought. I may be able to take out a pair of flats in lieu of my flat sandals. The biggest thing to remember when packing for a trip to a metropolitan location (this would not apply to treks in Nepal or trips to the Amazon obviously) is that you can always buy something there if you need it. Try to anticipate the weather, but if a freak weather pattern arrives, you just ask the locals where to find cheap clothes or shoes. 

Cramming it all in:

Travel space bags are your best friend. Honestly, they don't compress summer clothes that much space-wise, but they keep things from sliding around and make it easier to arrange/rearrange as you packs. If you're traveling in winter, they are a MUST as they will squish the fluff and air out of your coats and sweaters to make it possible for you to fit it all in. 

And what is that orange thing?

That would be my jiu jitsu gi. One of the fun parts about being a Gracie Barra team member is getting to drop in on schools all over the world. We are all planning to roll with the GB in Anderlecht, outside of Brussels, as well as GB Paris. It makes traveling all that more fun as we are part of this huge community and meet others wherever we go. 

And I put my belt in my carryon. I couldn't let it out of my sight. Weird? Maybe. 

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

I will send YOU a postcard from PARIS!

Do you want me to send you a postcard while I'm in Paris? For real! Josh and I are leaving for our long-awaited European honeymoon, and I want to share it with you! 

3 ways to get your postcard: 

1. Share this photo and the link to this article on social media! And tag me so I know you did it! 
Instagram: @kristenosborne
Facebook: Kristen Osborne (friend me first!) 
Twitter: @LegalLynx 

 I will randomly draw 3 people who shared to get a postcard! 

2. Get a challenge pack! You will guarantee your postcard this way. The 21 Day Fix packs are on special this month! I'm going to have a super group going in July after I get back, so get your pack and join up! You have to get it before June 24 so I have time to mail your postcard. Connect with me about a challenge pack. Message me through this site or any of my social media profiles. Many ways to get in touch with me to get you your pack! 

3. If you get your challenge pack before I leave on June 15, I'll bring you a souvenir! Seriously! So hurry up and get in on the fun!

Au revoir! 

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

My Vision Board: How I Identify and Aim for My Goals

The concept of a vision board has never really appealed to me. I've had a couple problems with them:

1. Hippie-Dippie-Meditation Stuff: Staring at a board of pictures and visualizing myself attaining those goals seems weird. I've never been a meditation person. I just can't sit still and stay focused to meditate. (This is something I need to work on. I know. I'm looking into it.) I'm just not a very cerebral person. I'm much more of a doer than a thinker.

2. Materialistic - I also had this idea that all vision boards consisted of pictures of mansions and expensive cars. Silly material possessions that people were obsessing over to give them motivation to work hard. I'm lucky enough to understand that money and possessions do NOT make happiness. Sure, those things are nice, but the singular pursuit of material gain can lead to a host of problems. I've seen it, Up close. Not doing it. Not for me.

A NEW Vision Board a la Jeff Sanders:

But then I heard this podcast from Jeff Sanders' 5AM Miracle and I kind of changed my mind. Maybe a vision board could work for me. Maybe I had the wrong idea about what they could be and how you can use them...

Sanders gives his idea for a NEW type of vision board. Instead of coming up with this huge, almost unreachable goals, you think about the every day actions that are going to get you closer to your ultimate goals. You put those actions on the board, or things that remind you of those actions.

To me, it's more of a focus board than about a long-term vision. Keeping me on track for my priorities and my short-term goals. Reminding me what I'm doing on a daily basis and why I'm doing it.

I used an app called Wishlist to put this together. It's a free app, a little putzy but good for free. Any collage app could work, but Wishlist makes searching for images a little easier.

What do you do with it?

The whole idea behind this is the law of attraction. We attract what we pay attention to. You know how people talk about self-fulfilling prophecies? Same concept. Here you are creating your prophecy in a visual form: "This is me. This is what I will be. This is what I will do."  

If you're a meditation person, you could meditate with it, I guess. For me, simply having it in a visible place (my phone) does the job. I try to take a look at it each day to remind myself what I'm doing and why I'm doing it. I have a big problem with focus. This reminds me, each morning, of what I should be focused on through the day. Kind of a recharging of my willpower.

How to make your Vision/Focus Board :

1. Make a list of your BIG goals. Like the ultimate, super-sized ones. This isn't the place for the "lose 5 pounds by next month" goal. Your list should have the almost-unreachable ones on it. 3-5 of them preferably. And they need to be POSITIVE. No negative Nancies. 

2. Now write down (scribble the side, doesn't have to be neat) the smaller actions or steps that are going to get you to those goals. Here's some questions to ask:
- Are there identifiable steps or levels to this goal? What's the next one?
- What daily/weekly actions do I need to do to reach this goal?
- What character attributes would help me reach this goal?
- WHY do I want this goal?

3. The small steps, daily actions, character attributes, and WHYs that you identified in #2 are what you put on your board. Find images from the internet, your own pictures, quotes, etc. that represent these things. 

4. ARRANGE! You may want it on your phone, like I did. Or, if you have an office or special spot at home, you may want to print these things out and pin them to an actual board. Whatever's going to have that vision board readily accessible to you when you need a reminder to stay the course. 

Do you have a Vision Board? How do you use yours? Comment below!

7 Tips To Be Empowered When You Don't Feel Like It

We've all felt like this: down, small, embarrassed, like you just want to disappear. Your movements become small, trying not to even make a ripple in the world. You hesitate or completely neglect to make decisions, thinking they'll just be wrong. If you can just slip away quietly, you can crawl in the bed and maybe it will be better tomorrow. 

Well, truth is: 

We are not made to be doormats. If God wanted you to be a mouse, He'd have given you a tail. So never let yourself, or anyone else, be treated like one! This doesn't mean you're supposed to be an aggressive, overbearing monster. Moderation, my friends... Think about the Golden Rule. You don't want to treat anyone else like a doormat either. This simply means that We were made to have self-confidence and some backbone. To stand for what we believe. To fight for what and who we love. 

How to Break the Funk and Find Empowerment: 7 TIPS

1. Own your mistakes. The blame game is unattractive but also unproductive. The good news is that if you made the mess, you probably will have an easier time cleaning it up. 

2. Quit blaming others. Even if it really IS their fault. You are in control of how you react to life. A negative reaction is only going to make things worse. 

3. Fake it til you make it. Smile. Even if you don't feel like it. Act confident, even if you want to crawl under the table. When you act empowered, others will treat you as if you're empowered, in control, and confident. In turn, you'll actually start to fell that way. This is that whole self-fulfilling prophecy thing. 

4. Don't ignore yourself. Many of us care and nurture others simply by nature. We often equate focusing on ourselves as selfish or wasteful. For anyone who ever actually paid attention to the airline attendants, you have to put your oxygen mask on before you can help someone else. Being the best version of yourself means you have more to offer your loved ones. So take the time for you, whether that means 30 minutes to workout, a walk to quiet your mind, new clothes, or whatever else you've been giving to others but not yourself. 

5. Follow your dreams. Explore your passions. Learn. Just because you've got a job, bought a house, gotten married, had kids, any or all of the above - it doesn't mean you have to put blinders on and never follow dreams again. Your spouse wants you to be happy. Kids are an even better reason to be passionate about your job or hobbies. Don't you want to set an example of how to have a vibrant and fulfilling life? Your fairly, your day job doesn't have to be the end-all-be-all of your life. It shouldn't be. You are allowed to define yourself in many ways. Jeff Goins talks about the concept of a portfolio life, where your life is made up of several aspects: job, family,  passions, etc. The sum of these parts is greater than the whole. You can check his podcast out about the topic here. 

6. The opinions of others may not matter at all. I'm a people-pleaser. What I do, both as an attorney and a fitness coach, depends on my clients being happy. But not everyone has the ability to be happy. There are some people that are just going to disagree with you and your actions, no matter what. Before you freak out that someone is unhappy with you, ask if their opinion REALLY matters. Depending on who they are, making them mad may be a sign of success for you. 

7. Tell yourself to shut up. I call it "awful-izing," when you come up with the worst case scenario and run it through your head in such detail that you can feel the failure and rejection in your gut. And you keep thinking about that situation, like a replay over and over in your head. QUIT. I'm speaking to myself as much as anyone else here. I have to force myself to stop thinking about it and imagine a scenario where everything worked out. I make myself think through how that would go and what it would look like. At the very least I just give myself a mental slap to stop the awful thought train. Sometimes I even have to distract myself by playing some music, listening to a podcast, doing something productive. Anything to break that thought cycle. 

What do you do to feel EMPOWERED? 

Quick Clean Eating Egg Lunch

It could be dinner, lunch, breakfast, brunch, second lunch, elevenses... Whatever you please. That's why I love eggs. They're like the little black dress of food. 

- Cinnamon Raisin Ezekiel bread, toasted
- 2 eggs
- coconut or olive oil
- big handful of spinach leaves

Cook your eggs in a little coconut or olive oil to your preference. I like mine a little gooey. Then sauté your spinach in the same hot pan. This takes 45 seconds. Seriously. I like to add a little seasoning to mine, usually Greek. 

Place either both or just one egg on the spinach, the other on the toast. Or eat it all separately. Your choice! I had mine with a side of sugar snap peas and strawberries. 

21 Day Fix Count: 1 red, 1 yellow, 1 green, plus whatever you had on the side. Mine was another green and half a purple. 

Ice Cream For 21 Day Fix


This happened. Not really a recipe. I just kind of came together. So let's see if I can coach you through this...

- Frozen banana, several pieces 
- splash of almond milk, just a bit
- 1/3-1/2 scoop vanilla protein powder or Shakeology 

BLEND. Adjust the ingredients to get it to a consistency you like. Sprinkle with some mini chocolate chips if you're feeling feisty. 

21 Day Fix: 1 purple and 1/2 red. 

Parmesan Chicken - 21 Day Fix Approved and an Easier Not Quite Approved Version

I've got 2 versions of this: a 21 Day Fix version and an almost 21 Day Fix version.  Sometimes you just don't have what you need in your pantry and have to improvise. That's life. Better to have an almost but still healthy version than give up and go get Taco Bell. 

The full FIX version: 

- chicken breast fillets, thin sliced 
- organic whole wheat bread crumbs, or toasted Ezekiel bread crushed into crumbs 
- fresh grated Parmesan 
- Italian herbs, garlic powder
- olive oil spray (so much easier to control amount than the bottle!)

Spray a pan with olive oil. Heat to medium. Mix wheat crumbs and Parmesan, about 2/3 and 1/3 parts respectively. Mix in Italian herbs and garlic powder to taste. Lightly bread the chicken. It should be wet (it IS raw chicken) enough for some light coating to stick. Cook for a few minutes on each side, depending on thickness. 

1 red, 1/4 yellow, 1/2 blue, 1 tsp olive oil 

The Almost-FIX Version:

Same concept. Except you use the Can of Italian bread crumbs that is already in your pantry and the powdered Parmesan (because you forgot to buy the real stuff). It's close, and will work in a pinch. 

Same containers as above. Don't beat yourself up over the not as clean ingredients. It's still MILES better than what you were chowing down on before, right? 

I roasted some baby squash to go with mine. Cut them in half. Little olive oil spray with some herbs. 20 minutes at 400F. 

I also sautéed some red potatoes. Chopped small and sautéed for 10 minutes in a little, you guessed it, olive oil spray and Italian herbs. 

This dinner will please anyone! 

Special Call for Teachers: How Teachers Get Healthy!

I'm sending this special message out for teachers! Summer is finally here and you have time to focus on YOU! 

Beachbody has discounted the 21 Day Fix programs this month!!! You can only get these special deals through a Beachbody coach, so don't go searching on Amazon for it. Now is the perfect time to get your health back on track. Let's do this together! 

SPECIAL GIFT: For any teacher who purchases a Challenge Pack or joins my team during June, I'll give you a $10 certificate to your local teacher supply store (or Walmart)! So share this with a teacher! 

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Chicken Sweet Potato Hash with an Egg

I could try to name it something fancy, or just call it what it is. This is a good make ahead meal. 

Start with the hash...

- 1 lb ground chicken 
- 1 bell pepper, chopped
- 1 sweet potato, chopped
- olive oil and herbs to cook with

Sauté the sweet potatoes for a few minutes in a hot pan with the olive oil. Add the bell pepper for another couple minutes before adding the chicken. Season everything with herbs and spices of your choice. I went Italian style but you could do spicy too. 

You could leave it just like this. Put it on a bed of sautéed spinach even. As is, if divided into 4 portions, it is 1 red, 1/2 yellow, 1/2 green, 1 tsp. 

I heated mine up for lunch and put a runny egg on top of it. (Another 1/2 red.) Really yummy. Paired it with some snack bags of cauliflower and sugar snap peas to give me more veggies. 

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

5 Tips to Break a Weightloss Plateau

If you've ever traveled down the path of any fitness or weightloss journey, you've probably experienced the dreaded PLATEAU. You're rocking along, dropping pounds, gaining muscles, busting it out, and BAM! Suddenly, you're going nowhere. And it's frustrating! What you were doing was working, and now it's not?!?!?

What Causes a Plateau?

Friday, May 22, 2015

What is Intermittent Fasting and How Does It Work?

No, really. I'm asking you...

I listened to a podcast from the Chalene Show a couple weeks ago about intermittent fasting. It was a dieting concept that I had never heard of and was totally skeptical about at first.

What is Intermittent Fasting?

When I first heard them talking about this, I immediately thought, "This is starving yourself and ruining your metabolism." But then I started hearing the intricacies of it.

Intermittent fasting, explained simply so silly people like me can understand it, it not eating at all for 16-24 hours, then following that period by eating what you would normally consume over the course of one full day in 4-8 hours. 

There are several versions of this: 
- 16 hours fasting + 8 hours eating (focus on high protein)
- 24 hours of very low calories cycled with 24 hours of regular caloric intake
- 20 hours fasting + 4 hours eating (based on cavemen - fo' real, what is the fascination with cavemen?)

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Clean Eating Fruit Cobbler in the Microwave

I suppose I could call it Cobbler in a Mug, because putting any microwaveable pastry in a mug makes it instantly Pinterest popular, right? 

Eh, the bowl's already out... 

The measurements in this are not precise. Play with it as you wish.

1 cup (or 1 purple for 21DF) of fruit
Drizzle of honey 

- microwave this for 30 seconds

Then add, 

A Heavy sprinkle of Ezekiel 4:9 granola (1/2 yellow for 21DF) 
Another tiny drizzle of honey

- and microwave for another 30 seconds. 

That's it. It's so good! 

The Ezekiel 4:9 granola is the same company as the people who make Ezekiel bread. It's has NO sugar and is completely natural. Truly a no guilt granola. 

Monday, May 18, 2015

How to motivate a Beachbody coach

I'm starting my bobblehead collection. And I'm super stinkin' excited about it. 

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Spinach Eggs and Fruit

Eggs are not just for breakfast. Sometimes breakfast for dinner is exactly what you need.

- Coconut oil
- 1 green container spinach 
- 2 eggs 
- Autumn's All-Purpose Seasoning

Heat the coconut oil and sauté the spinach for a minute or two. Doesn't take long. Then pour the eggs around evenly and scramble them up. Sprinkle seasoning in there at some point. 

I like to dress mine with a little mustard (free food!), which is a total surprise since I've hated mustard for years. Just goes to show you that you need to try foods that you think you hate every few years. Our taste buds change, and now I'm in love with mustard. 

Sunday, May 10, 2015

FlatOut Bread Pizza

FlatOut Wraps are a tortilla-like wrap that are usually whole grain and low carb. They are a good alternative to a sandwich with sliced bread. You can also use them for PIZZA. 

- Flatout Wrap
- tomato sauce
- bell peppers, onions, mushrooms, spinach, etc. 
- ground chicken, turkey, or lean beef (already cooked)
- mozzarella 

Heat the oven to 400. Place the wrap on a baking sheet. Spread a couple spoons of sauce on the wrap. Top with your favorite combo of things. This is really flexible and can involve leftovers! Shredded chicken or ground meat of any type can work. Sprinkle a blue container of cheese on top. Then put in the oven for 8-10 minutes. Watch closely so it doesn't burn. 

How Fighters Cut Weight and How It Hurts Us

If you've read my Fitness Story, then you'll know I have been training in Brazilian jiu jitsu for a little over a year now. Shout out to Gracie Barra Alabama! I've competed a couple times myself and have actively supported my husband and teammates while they train and compete. Whether skinny, overweight, or somewhere in between, almost all of us have a weight cut experience of some sort.

Here's mine:

Spring 2014: I'm running half marathons on a regular basis, training at my BJJ gym 3-4 times per week, and eating fairly healthy. I was 148lbs and about a size 8. I was a fairly fresh white belt, but I had great training and support and was being encouraged to compete. I had done one small competition and had held my own. Competing is scary, but good for me. It puts me outside my comfort zone, lights a fire under me as far as training goes, and can be a lot of fun if I don't let it freak me out completely (which I have a tendency to do). So, I made the decision to compete in the BIG International Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Federation (IBJJF) Atlanta Open in August 2014.

But I had to make another decision: what weight class was I going to compete in?

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Clean Eating Pork Milanese

My husband loves my breaded pan-fried pork cutlet. And even the breaded version is pretty healthy. BUT if you're on the 21 Day Fix or another clean eating diet, those bread crumbs may not be on the menu. No worries! 

From time to time, I find pork cube steaks on sale at my grocery store. They are always a good buy, so I'll pick up a couple packs and throw them in the freezer. However, other than a breaded pork Milanese, I'm not really sure what to do with these suckers. So I tried the same basic recipe without the bread crumbs and amped up on the herbs. It worked! 

- pork cutlets or cube steaks
- Italian seasoning
- garlic powder
- onion powder
- salt and pepper
- olive oil 
- marinara or tomato sauce (check the ingredients and choose one without sugar) 
- shredded mozzarella 

Heat a tablespoon on olive oil in a large pan. Season the pork cutlets well with herbs, garlic, onion powder, and S&P. Cook a 4-6 minutes on each side, depending on thickness. Spoon a little tomato sauce on each and sprinkle with mozzarella. Put the top on the pan and let it cook for another minute or so. Turn off the heat but leave the top on. Let that sit while you get the plates, etc. out. By the time you get ready to plate it up, the tomato sauce will be hot and the cheese will have melted. 

Serve with green beans and/or salad. 

21 Day Fix Count: 1-1/2 red (depending on size), 1/2 blue, 1 teaspoon 

The tomato sauce isn't enough to count for a green on its own, so add some veggies! 

Friday, May 8, 2015

Buffalo Chicken Salad

They are building a Zaxby's down the street. Fried chicken. Less than a mile from my house. I better have a healthy alternative ready, so I created one. 

Buffalo Chicken Salad

I make buffalo chicken all the time. I use shredded chicken that I've cooked in the crockpot, then shredded, and add a little buffalo wing sauce, like Texas Pete. If the plain wing sauce is too hot for you, don't worry. I know the traditional method is to cut the heat with butter. Put down the butter, and pick up the Greek yogurt. Mix in enough to cut the heat to your taste. Just add a little at a time. Once you've got the mix right, heat it a bit in the microwave and pour over your chicken. 

You can do a bunch of things with the chicken, but the salad...

1 green lettuce as a base
1 green of chopped celery, carrots, cucumbers, and tomatoes. 
1 red of your buffalo chicken
1 blue of blue cheese crumbles 
1 orange Bolten Farms yogurt ranch dressing (all natural, 45 cal) 

Clean Eating Challenge May 18-22

It's happening over on Facebook! If you've ever wanted to test the waters of a new lifestyle, this is a great way to do it. Eating clean is one of the easiest and best things you can do for your health. It's not a restrictive diet. If you're hungry, then EAT! All I'm asking is that you make it something clean. 

No sodas. No overly processed foods. No added sugar. 

If you've never eaten like this, you're probably panicking thinking, "what is there left to eat then?" 

Take breakfast: Drop the cereal. It's not healthy. Even if it says 'low fat.' And don't touch the sugary orange juice. 

Instead, let's go for orange slices, 2 scrambled eggs, and Ezekial toast. No time? What about a creamy cold protein smoothie with banana and some strawberries blended in? Who doesn't want a milkshake for breakfast? 

I'll show you how to do this and give you all the tools and support you need to succeed. Just join me on Facebook! 
Click this link to request to join the group!