Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Challenge Groups and Inspiration

One of the best parts about doing a Beachbody program is the Challenge Groups!

Usually they are smaller groups led by one or two coaches. However, there are a few massive groups out there with large numbers of people from all over the place. The Memorial Day Fix Challenge Is one of those groups that I joined. It's got almost 12,000 members!!! And the inspiration, resources, and discussion is invaluable. 

I recently met a new friend in the Memeorial Day group named Tommy Storm. He's ROCKING his weightloss journey. Look at this... 

Those results are nuts! But I get how this program can do that. He's getting a balanced diet with sensible portions at a low calorie level, but one adjusted to his particular caloric needs. So he's not starving. Add the challenging but doable weight-based workouts that get your muscles growing and your heart pumping...Recipe for success! I love how he says that his weight is gone FOREVER. It's a lifestyle change! And one he is obviously happy with. 

Follow Tommy on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/followmytransformation

And search for some groups or join one of my Challenge Groups to give you motivation for the change you want to make! 

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